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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  March 26, 2011 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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270,000 dinners to date. every one of this year's cnn heros are chosen from people you tell us about. so to nominate someone you know who is making a big difference, go to that does it for this edition of 360. thanks for watching. piers morgan starts right now. tonight, hollywood's farewell to elizabeth taylor. inside the star's exclusive sendoff. only her very closest friends and family were at the funeral. and tonight, i'll talk to two of them. the best man from one of elizabeth's eight weddings -- elizabeth's eight weddings and friends who are royalty. and an exclusive interview with matthew mcconaughey, surfer dude, an actor who's romanced some of the most glamorous women on screen and off. tonight things you don't know about matthew mcconaughey.
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this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening. elizabeth taylor did everything her way and her final farewell was no different. the star gave instructions she was to be fashionably late to her own funeral, exactly 15 minutes to be precise. and she was laid to rest near her good friend, michael jackson. the one-hour service included a poetry reading by actor colin farrell. als also among the -- also among the mourners, victoria brenner. you are one of less than 50 people who attended the funeral yesterday. how would you describe the occasion? >> it was, you know, very much how we've been around elizabeth. it was her children, and a few of us were sort of the aggregate family, which was very intimate and very quiet and just lovely. just sad, obviously. >> and i hear that colin
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farrell, the actor was there, and recited irish poetry. >> yes. they knew each other, and i'm not sure how this came about. but it was a lovely added note, an additional speaker which was welcome. >> and you were elizabeth's goddaughter. what was she like? >> she was lovely. i called her my fairy godmother. she was miraculous and loving and warm and present and generous and giving, and everything you could wish from that kind of relationship. >> i love the fact that she left instructions to be late for her own funeral. 15 minutes late. >> not that late in her book. i must say we waited for her many times, and never only 15 minutes. >> so ironically may have been the earliest she ever turned up. >> probably so. >> she was an absolutely fabulous star, i thought elizabeth taylor. she really led the life of how you want stars to be on and off screen. she managed to maintain the mystique of her celebrity status. i think better than most people,
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didn't she? >> she really did. but i think that seeing it from the inside, she really wasn't different at home than she was out on the screen. and that incredible courage, that ability to stand up for the people she wanted to stand up for, the causes she believed in. she always looked great at home, as she did outside of the home. there wasn't really this double persona that you tend to see these days. >> and she had a jewish ceremony. is that right? >> yes, she did. >> because she converted to the jewish faith -- >> she converted to judaism and i don't have track of what year that was. yes, she did. >> describe to me since you are one of the few people to be there, what was the atmosphere like through the day? >> you know, it was a fairly short ceremony. and it was lovely, and it was in a fairly small, narrow space. under a beautiful white angel, a very large statue. and that is where she will be laid to rest.
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and it was just a short moment with family members speaking, and some quiet moments to reflect. and lots of hugs and lots of tears. >> i want to show you a clip, this is from when your father, yul, presented elizabeth with her best actress oscar in 1961 for her performance in "butterfield eight." we have the clip to show you now. >> oh, great. great. >> this year there were many magnificent performances by actresses. the five nominated were -- vera gosin, debra karr, shirley maclaine, belinda mercury, and elizabeth taylor. the envelope, please.
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elizabeth taylor. [ applause ] >> i don't really know how to express my gratitude for this and for everything. i guess all i can do is say thank you. thank you with all my heart. [ applause ] >> that's just amazing to watch, isn't it? >> oh, it's great. two of my favorite people, just a wonderful moment. >> your dad would just look -- looked the archetypal rugged superstar, and there's liz taylor being so impossibly glamorous. >> yeah. she was fabulous. they lived at the time, i think it was more or less at that time my parents had a bungalow at the beverly hills hotel. and elizabeth and eddie fisher had one right next door. and that's sort of when that friendship began.
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>> your father, he took many pictures of elizabeth taylor through the years. tell me about their relationship. >> my father was a great photographer, and i put a book out last year called "yul: a photographic journey," in which some of these pictures are published. and he photographed a lot of his friends in very intimate moments. and one of the series of pictures that i love are these pictures of elizabeth and her kids around the pool on a sunday at richard brooks' house. >> what do you think is probably the biggest misconception about elizabeth taylor from your experience of knowing her? >> you know, it's hard to say because i knew her as a person, and i don't know her as what's in the public eye. i don't know that there is a misconception. i think she was an incredibly complex person. she had a very interesting life in terms of what her personal challenges were, and what her health challenges were. her emotional life was very full.
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i think that one thing that we hang on to as a family and i include myself in that thanks to her including me in the tight friendship i have with her children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, is that she was just an incredible matriarch. and she brought us all together over and over through holidays, especially at thanksgiving. at easter, which was her favorite holiday. and she opened her home, and she was really a mom and a grandma. and that's maybe a side that the public didn't get to see. >> it sounds like you'll all miss her terribly. >> yes, we will. very much so. >> she was an extraordinary lady. a wonderful actress and clearly a wonderful human being, as well. and i'm so glad that you could join me, victoria. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. jose ebere was at the funeral, knew her for 30 years. he was her hairdrerser and best man at one of her weddings. jose, it must have a sad day for you yesterday.
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>> it was very sad. very sad, but i also felt like that the -- we celebrated her life and all of the very close family members and friends were there. so it felt -- actually it felt very -- i had a great feel being it because i think this is a woman, elizabeth, who lived her life to the fullest. and also the part that was beautiful yesterday that was all the close friends that she really loved. and obviously all her family members. >> and -- >> we were all together, and it was less than 50 people. and it was very, very private, but very beautiful. >> and she also chose to be buried quite near to michael jackson. they were obviously very good friends. i once interviewed michael jackson, actually, and he told me about his friendship with elizabeth and said how they used to dress up in disguise and go off to movie theaters and watch movies together. >> i know they did a lot of silly stuff, elizabeth and michael, absolutely.
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like two children because you know -- i mean, she talked about it, he talked about it. they didn't really have a childhood. so they had fun being adult children, actually. and they did a lot of stuff together that nobody knew they did. >> yeah. i want to play you, jose, a clip from the abc special for her 65th birthday, which starred michael jackson. elizabeth i love you the world knows all the peace on earth now i pray one day i'll be -- >> an amazing night. she was -- >> she loved that song. she loved that song. i mean, i remember a friend of mine when michael jackson passed, a friend of mine sent me this cd from europe actually, and i don't know how he got hold
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of it, but he did send it to me. and i gave it to her, and she kept listening to that song, loved it. cried each time she listened to it. >> i think you hit it on the head, jose, when you said that, you know, she lived her life completely to the fullest. so unlike when michael died so tragically young, you did get a feeling with elizabeth taylor that she had this remarkable life, and there's not so much terrible mourning in her death. there's a great celebration of an amazing life. >> oh, totally. i mean, that's the way i feel, and that's why i don't mind talking about her because i would like people to know the way she lived. and it's not only the things that you read about in the tabloid. she lived -- every day, waking up and being involved. i mean, she just redecorated her bedroom in sky blue. highway is she -- she chose this color recently. i mean, she was involved in the launch of her latest perfume
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which was violet eyes that she didn't even choose. her twitter friends chose it, the name violet eyes. they launched it last year actually. and she was totally involved and excited about it. and all of us got to smell it, did we like it, which one we would like more. she was doing something on a daily basis. >> jose, i mean, as her hairdresser and in fact you were one of the groomsmen at her wedding to larry fortenski, nobody knew more of elizabeth taylor's secrets than you. yet you were dignified in not revealing those to the world. i mean, tell me about the private elizabeth taylor. >> no, but that's what i believe she loved -- i mean, the reason we had such a long friendship, i believe, is that because she knew she could trust me. and yes, i was exposed to everything. i would see her constantly. and i -- what i thought was private stayed private to this day actually, i've been asked a lot of personal questions about her. but i never would reveal that.
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i would respect that always. and as a person, she obviously -- you heard, she had an amazing sense of humor. she was a best friend that anybody can wish to have. she was so human, so much wanted to make sure that you were okay. she wanted everybody around her to be taken care of. and that's what she did on a daily basis. it was more important for her that we felt good and had a good life than her problems. that's what made her -- >> i've interviewed quite a few people that knew her well. there seems to be some debate over who was the great love of her life. some say richard burton, some say michael todd. you're in a pretty good position to know the answer. who do you think the one of all the men -- >> no, but i believe the answer was obviously the longest one was richard burton. obviously it was the great love of her life. lots of photographs in her bedroom of richard.
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i mean actually elizabeth cutting richard's hair which people didn't know that she was so talented. one thing she would have liked to become was a hairstylist because she had great talent about cutting hair. and she would cut richard's hair all the time, which she told me that. and she even would cut her own hair when i wasn't around. and she always felt very -- she was always shy about it and always felt like she didn't do a great job, then would call me in to reassure her that she did a great job. it was actually very fun. >> and finally, if you could use one word to sum up elizabeth taylor, what word would you go for? >> oh, unique in every which way. one of a kind. never will be seen again a person like hers. to me, that's the way i see it. never -- the most unique human being i've ever met, ever seen, and the most giving, loving person that -- and's a blessing
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that she was in my life. and i'll be thankful for that the rest of my life. >> i think unique is the best possible word. jose eber, thank you very much for joining me tonight. >> thank you. thank you for having me, thank you. when we come back, today's screen royalty. a revealing conversation with a-lister matthew mcconaughey. what you don't know about the hollywood heartthrob. doubtful, you love me. hey, you can't take allegra with fruit juice. what? yeah, it's on the label. really? here, there's nothing about juice on the zyrtec® label. what? labels are meant to be read. i'd be lost without you. i knew you weren't allergic to me. [ sneezes ] you know, you can't take allegra with orange juice. both: really? fyi. [ male announcer ] get zyrtec®'s proven allergy relief and love the air®.
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you've always struck me as one of those guys i'd really like to be. is your life as good as i imagine it to be? >> my life's pretty damn good. i don't have much to complain about. if i did, i'd be being kind of a sissy about some things. >> you get all these great parts. you've passed a billion dollar box office -- you aware of that? >> i am? >> with this movie. >> i did not know that. >> what do you think of that? >> that's strong. i had no idea. i had no idea. >> you're a billion-dollar man. >> i had no idea. i like that. >> cool, isn't it? >> yeah, that's cool. >> there aren't many in the billion-dollar club.
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>> wow, it makes me think back when did it start -- '92, 19 years ago, that's something. my dad's here now, he's digging that. >> what would he think of it? >> he'd love that, man. my brother who's out there, too, who's still trying to -- we have a competition about who's making more. that's going to really put -- really set him back. >> you may just have really -- >> start pedaling that pipe, buddy. >> he's off to rehab after that revelation. that's the slam-dunk. >> i like that. did not know that. >> i'm amazed you didn't know that. most movie stars know exactly how much they've made. part of their -- their ex-hundred million -- >> i had no idea. i know how much i have in my account. >> how much? >> just enough that my kids aren't going to have to see worry about themselves but enough that they're going to have to work for it. >> i love the phrase "just enough." >> i got a nice egg. >> a nice egg? >> yeah, you know that egg -- i have the number that i'm going,
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okay, i'm going to be fine, my lady's going to be fine, my kids are going to be fine. and we can go on living our lifestyle. we're not that indulgent, we don't do that much stuff. but sometimes, you know, there are months when we get around the holidays and i look at the bill and go, oh, we spent some. that was a good one. >> do you have to worry about bills. >> don't have to worry about them, but we're pretty thirsty, -- pretty thrifty, and i think that comes from value of a dollar. i grew up, raised value of a dollar, you work for what you get. you want to go out friday night? well do the chores of the house. you want gas for the car, you work for the money. i've never forgotten that. when i first made money, my first six digits, my big thing was i went to put super unleaded in the truck for the first time. his such a buzz about that, and i bought titleist golf balls. i was like -- >> i remember --
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>> like brand new sleeve of three, i was honestly excited about it. so i can still put super unleaded, still do. >> we share a past career in common. >> what is that? >> well, i spent one summer with my brother shoveling mushroom compost. and you also shoveled compost. >> in australia. >> what was it? >> it was sheep dung. >> sheep compost. >> yeah. >> and i think that's something incredibly character build being shoveling [ bleep ]. what what did it teach you? what did it give you, shoveling compost? >> well, if you're too high on your horse, as my mom would say, shoveling some sheep dung for 20 days in the middle of nowhere's probably a good thing for you. >> when you were sitting there wallowing in sheep dung, but ever imagine you'd end up a bonafide a-movie star? was the dream there then? >> i don't think it was. i look back in diaries that i
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have and am reminded that i actually was thinking about a career maybe in storytelling business at that age. but it was so far from the vernacular of even my dreams at that time. i grew up, you get a job, you work your way up, you put in time, and then you go on up the ladder. >> were you a fan of the movies? >> no. >> really? >> i saw two films before i was 17. >> what were they? >> "orca" and "king kong." really? >> yeah. movies were not part of our pastime. television, media really wasn't. you got an hour of television a night. i was watching "incredible hulk," unless the washington redskins came on, i could stay up as long as i wanted to watch that. >> your dad was a player? >> in 1953, played under bear bryant in college. i sat around and watched football. i have two older brothers. here in texas, everyone plays football. didn't make a career -- like every kid, thought i wanted to be a washington redskins running back until i kind of quit
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growing and everyone was a lot faster and a lot bigger. and then i kept pursuing it. my dad came to me one day, as he did with my two older brothers, and goes, "you really want to play football?" "i think so, dad." "you sure?" no, i'm not quite sure. he goes, "maybe you ought to think of another sport. you know how you can hear it's me coming to your room about 15 seconds before i get there?" i go, "yeah, i hear bones popping." he goes, "yeah." he tells me this story, this happened on to see my back, i hyper extended on a return punt -- and there's a golf picture when he comes and goes, "you ought to think about golf." he goes, "you can play it until you go down." true. >> you really can. a lot of golfers are in their 90s and can still beat their age. >> yeah. >> extraordinary. what was the moment when you thought movies then? if you'd never really watched them -- >> right. >> and it hadn't been a career path, when was the moment you thought, okay, maybe?
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>> there was a day in -- and mind you, there were many days leading up to this, but i was becoming restless with the idea of heading toward law school, which is what i thought i was going to do. and i found a book called "the greatest salesman in the world," or it found me. it was one of those hinge moments where that book found me, i read it, looked up, it was time to go take my exam, i came back home that evening, called mom and dad and said, "i'd like to switch my career path and go to film production." there that was ten-second pause on the line. i was very nervous -- were you going to go law school? that's what we were talking about for years. great reaction. i say it, and i've got a lump in my throat, mom and dad on the other end of the line. they're paying my tuition. so this -- they've got a say in this for sure. and i said, "mom, dad, i want to go to -- want to change my core direction, i wanting to to see film school." long beat, long beat.
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my dad goes, "is that what you want to do, son? all right, don't half ass it." that was it. and then they became so excited about it. >> were you relieved at the reaction? >> oh, i was relieved. and i had their blessing. not only their blessing, things we talked about became a lot more fun. it's a lot more fun to talk about -- then all of a sudden i'm starting to watch movies. then pop's talking about westerns and starting to talk about actors that he liked. and there was -- i didn't know that we had a creative side of the family. in hindsight since my father passed away, we found pottery highway he made in the garage, paintings. >> he was artistic as well as sport? >> yeah. >> take a short break. when we come back, i want to talk to but "lincoln lawyer," new film. particularly as you told me you gave up a career as a lawyer to be an actor.
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i watched your film last night. >> yeah. >> it was really interesting watching it because i remember "a time to kill," which i loved, as well. you played a few lawyers over the years. what you said about abandoning your legal career, when i watch you play a lawyer, you absolutely suit the role. i mean, do you think that when you watch it?
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does part of you think ever, i would have quite liked to have been a lawyer? >> no, not that much. a diversion i can be a lawyer now i quite prefer. i can be a lawyer for a year, retire, do something else. go back, do it again. but i am -- i am intrigued and find myself comfortable in those shoes. especially on the defense side. when you have as you do in both those films you're talking about and even in "amistad," it's difficult in real life to have something to -- you know it's worth fighting for, there's no gray area, it's just go to the death for it. it's great to have that clarity. >> how did you find the sort of weird moral dimensions of being a defense lawyer? your character comes under this pressure where sometimes you probably know the guy that you're defending is guilty. >> i think most of the time they know. i think most defense attorneys know.
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to some extent their client's guilty. >> could you deal with that? could you deal with defending somebody -- >> you know, i don't know if i could deal with that that well. this is part of the difference with me now and then. i'm not a cynical man, but i was very idealistic back then. boy, if i know -- if i got a client that i believed and knew was innocent, that is something i wouldn't lose. i know there's no way. whatever i'm equipped to do, i just would go to the end. it's one of those things where you tap into the extra energy. it had that clarity as -- at that age and was that idealistic, sure. now the system doesn't really work like that. the defense attorneys actually know that most of their clients are to some extent guilty. it's much more of a wheeling and dealing game outside the court. hardly any of those cases get to court. they get to -- it's all deal-making. you prosecute, you want life --
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i say no, no, no, no, 25 max. we meet at 40, next, who's the next case? in a victory, over 90% of the time for the defense attorney is just to ameliorate the sentence down. so i got -- they wanted 20, i got you eight. we win. and then prosecution wins, too. you go back, look, we got eight. eight's good. okay. >> i want to play a clip from "lincoln lawyer" now and come back to you after we've seen this. >> if you're wondering how i got in, i'm in real estate. so if i want to get into a friend's house -- >> we're not friends. you're my client. and i'm your lawyer. it's time for you to go, lewis. >> all right. that's a cute picture of your daughter, haley. she's very pretty. she's got soccer practice tomorrow, right?
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>> don't. you'll be the first client to regret me or my family -- >> all i said is she's pretty. >> uh-huh. >> what i liked about it -- don't get me wrong. i like your romantic comedies even though i know you don't like romantic comedies. true, isn't it? you don't? >> they're not the first ones i go to see when i go to the theater. >> do you watch romantic comedy? >> i have ever gone and paid $10 for a romantic comedy? >> yes. >> no. but i made them. >> i knew it. if you could only make romantic comedies for the rest of your life or more like this one -- >> if it had to be one or the other? i'll tell you right now obviously i'm more drawn to like these dramas, "lincoln lawyer." i followed this up with two other -- well, they're comedies, but dramas, as well. so that's where i'm naturally drawn to right now. i don't know, does it have to do that i'm in my 40s, maybe. does it -- i did romantic comedies, that's enough for now. i wasn't getting turned on by them.
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so i wanted to do something like this. i didn't real have to clays it down but to -- chase it down, but to get a film like this, sure, i'd take a pay cut from what i got in a romantic comedy. i wasn't at the top of the list for guys who go, hey, we want you back in a drama now. if it works, people are liking it so far, they're linking it back to work i did 15 years ago in "a time to kill," which they didn't forget about or anything. and i just -- this was highly enjoyable. talk about -- you almost can't -- there was no time not to focus on this role and this film. it was very important to me. >> i like the way it's shot. i like the way it's very pacy, and it's got an edgy feel to it. yet your character's not without comedy ed , but the comedy organic. it's not thrust down your throat. it's a great role. i've heard people say it's your best role since "time to kill." i know what they mean. you can excel as an actor than in any romantic comedy.
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>> good way to put it. there was a lot of room to excel. that's what i mean by blows -- there's no depth to how mad you want to get. there's no depth to how sad you want to get. there's no limit to how happy you want to get. how -- the victory is as big as you want it to be, the pain can hurt as much as you want it to feel. the leverage between the ceiling and floor of emotion was kind of up to -- up to me. it could go as deep or high as i wanted. it was that kind of role. >> we'll take another short break. i want to plunge you back into the world of romantic comedy and ask you about the terrible ordeal of having to do love scenes with a string of most back to you. women in hollywood.
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back with my guest, matthew mcconaughey. in the movie "lincoln lawyer," you have a pretty sexy scene with marisa tomei, which reminded me how many sexy hollywood women i've actually seen you frolicking with over the years. sandra bullock, penelope cruz, kate hudson, jennifer lopez, sarah jessica parker, like a nonstop procession. >> most of those are the romantic comedies you like. >> i know. you are one jamey git, aren't you? >> what? >> one jamey git. english euphemism for one lucky man. >> yeah. >> i had the pleasure of meeting not your yourself at the oscars
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"vanity fair" party but your lovely lady, camilla, which prompted me to tweet she was the most beautiful woman at the oscars. you struck gold. >> i would agree with you. yeah, absolutely. absolutely. she's -- she's dynamite. >> they are very exotic people. >> yeah. >> i've been to -- i went to rio for a few weeks. they're incredibly glamorous, beautiful, vibrant, energetic people. >> vibrant's a great word. >> as far removed, i would argue in a nice way, from the traditional l.a. set. is that what attracted you to her? >> i mean, there's a -- you know, i spoke with a grace earlier, but she's -- our main thing, she -- i was able to show her who i am and who i was pretty early, and she was completely honest about who she was. and there was no -- 0% of feeling on either side of us of, oh, i need to act a little more like this to impress that -- huh-uh. it was straight honest, here's
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who i am, here's who you are. oh, i can tell you would do just fine in life without me. and vice-versa, you know. and that sort of mutually is where we came together. and there was a very heavy attraction, still is, but there was an i can be myself -- actually, if i was anybody other than myself, that's when i'd get in trouble with her still to this day. that, you know, that doesn't happen all the time with most everybody. >> your parents, extraordinary thing. they got divorced from each other twice, and they remarried. >> yeah, yeah. >> twice. they were married three times to each other. >> to each other. no one else. >> what was going on there? >> i mean, that's a great -- can't live with you, can't live without you. hate to see you leave, but i love to watch you go. they were hot and wild and loved each other hard. and that's -- basically say that about our whole family. it's a play hard, washington hard -- work hard, love hard kind of family. >> did their inability to stay married for very long, has that
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affected your apparent decision 'to not want to get married. >> i don't think. somebody out there who studied freud could about and go back and say, oh, but it did, but i don't think so. >> are you against marriage? >> i am for marriage. >> will you -- >> i don't know. >> i would want camilla tied up legally. >> you said you want her tied up quickly -- legally. >> any way but particularly legally. >> maybe one day but not so far. it doesn't make me any less committed, make me love her any less. >> how's fatherhood? >> fatherhood's a hoot, man. >> is it what thought it would be? >> yeah. i had a good idea of fatherhood. and one thing i'll say this -- one thing, if you asked me at 8 years old -- i don't know if i could have answered honestly but it's true. the one thing i always knew that i wanted in life was to have a family.
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and it's a hoot, man. it's a ball. it's good, hard work, it's -- it's the epic that i'm working on. i make movies all the time -- >> you recalibrate when you have kids so they wouldn't end your life or change it dramatically. you would recalibrate to embrace fatherhood? >> yeah. that's what naturally happened. i'm not a right angle guy, i'm not a stop and restart. it was less of a change in my function in being than everyone says. oh, my god, you have kids, it's like -- we didn't hit the brakes on anything. god bless camilla, that helps a lot. i can't say this independently without the work that a great mother does. but it's just -- you know, you start -- yeah, do you live less for me and now it's all for we? sure. do you have to get a return ticket now? yes, you do. one-way ticket don't count. you got to get back and we got
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to -- does it take longer to go places and longer to pack up and leave? yes. everywhere i go, things i do, i'm not really doing anything any differently. but even when i leave the house, the kids aren't physically with me, i understand quite well that i am the courier. i am the shepherd, the father, that has those kids. and all of my actions, they're right here. both of them, you know, levi's on one hip, vida's on the other. i'm responsible for them. >> going to take another break. going to come back and talk about the role that started it all. [ woman ] welcome back, jogging stroller. you've been stuck in the garage, while my sneezing and my itchy eyes took refuge from the dust in here and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most. ♪ lily and i are back on the road again. where we belong.
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back with my guest, matthew mcconaughey. how much of your life is defined by "dazed and confused"? >> what a great movie and great character, man. what a great american. >> let's play a clip. let's remind ourselves -- >> always a good time. >> of the glory. never a bad time for this. >> no. that's what i love about these high school girls, man. i get older, they stay the same age. >> wooderson, what a great american. >> even no you look back with affection, don't you? >> yeah, that was my first job. and i could not have been handed a more fortunate work in experience. i didn't know what i was doing, but i guess i knew what i was doing.
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but i was waiting tables, making $50 a night, and then i'm in the right bar at the right time. meet this guy who's in town producing a film and casting. 4:00 a.m. that night, we get kicked out of the bar. 4:30 he goes, "you ever done any acting before?" i go, "man, i was in this miller light commercial for that long." didn't say anything. he said, "you might be good for this movie," come in, it's got a few lines, few scenes. i go away for a few weeks and work on it with my buddy, rob bendler, who got me to have the courage to go film school. we work on it, i go read. i walk in -- you'll love this. i walk in -- this is a job interview, right? where i came from. i'm tucked in, buttoned up, my belt buckled, shaved, everything. not the character, but there is me for -- not who i saw the character as but me on a job interview, how i was raised to go to a job interview. i go in and rick goes, "this is not you. you're than guy."
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i go, "no, but i know this dude." he goes, "show us." i'm do the handshakes, all of a sudden i went -- settled down into it, man. started going, read a couple of lines. he said, great, i got the role. he kept inviting me to the set. there's a lot of guys on there that we became pretty close through the making of that film. and i only worked three weeks. but the cool thing was they were in my town. i was in austin, texas. they were shooting, i knew all the ropes. a lot of us are good friends today. richard linkletter, i've worked with that guy three times now. >> and it spawned lots of impressions led by matt damon on letterman, which we're going to remind you of. >> oh, please. >> first noticed you never had your shirt on, right? >> yeah. and i don't know -- and i used to hang out with him when we were broke actors and so -- i don't know. what i would say is i would go in every morning on the set of
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"ocean's 13" and i would say, mr. soderbergh, today would be a good opportunity for me to take my shirt off. >> that's pretty good. it's pretty good. he did a good job on that. >> he did do a good job. he's a pretty well adjusted guy, matt damon. >> i think so. i don't know him that well. i sent you some t-shirts with notes on them saying obviously i don't need these and i never got a thank you from him. >> i'll remind him. when i come back, i want to talk to you about this other strange passion of yours, the bongos. [ male announcer ] if you're only brushing, add listerine® total care
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i want to play another clip now from your new movie. >> what did martinez say? >> enough. >> what you got to do is find a way to put him in the apartment the night she was murdered. >> i got to make it right. >> can't bring it to the cops because he's your client and you can't take it to the d.a. because you'll lose your license. >> any evidence we found would be inadmissible because of attorney-client privilege. >> you have one client in jail, and your other client dead. >> the movie is fascinating about moral dilemmas. it's a great moment later when you confront him, you go and see a guy who went to prison and protested his innocence to you as a lawyer. >> who i put in prison.
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>> once you realized the terrible miscarriage had happened, you tried to do the right thing. it made me think about doing the right thing. your charity, just keep living, it's a very inspiring one. it's very simple. it's about getting people to just lead better, healthier lives. >> inside and out. it's an after school curriculum, four schools, three here in l.a., one in texas. we'll be opening up three more in texas and hopefully one in new orleans. high school kids get to come, safe place to come after school, two days a week. they exercise, they break a sweat, they sit around and learn about nutrition on a budget. because these are title one schools. and they have a big gratitude circle at the end, which is to say something you're thankful for. >> i want to play a little clip and come back to you. ♪
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that is the secret reggae site of matthew mcconaughey. and your bongos. you love these things, don't you? >> i love drums. i got congos, bongos, all kinds of drums. >> this guy is the one you love to play with, right? >> he's with my record label. he's a reggae artist. first heard his music when i was in jamaica. i found him after looking for him for four years and we've made three albums now. he's touring with the guy you saw in that video, kenny chesney and zach brown are doing big stadium tours. so the night before those shows, mishka is playing the kickoff party. kenny became a big fan. >> you've achieved many personal ambitions. you found the woman perhaps
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you've been looking for, you've got the children that you wanted. what's the professional goal now for you? you've not won an oscar yet. is that something you aspire to or something else that's more significant to you? >> work wise, that would be an honor. that would be great to do some work that was recognized by the academy and to do get that statue and have my peers say, great work, we think that was really credible work. that would be great. you know, right now i just i want to make some more stories. things that really turn me on, things that i feel challenged by. i'm kind of anxious about that. i'm not scared of it. >> if i could offer you an oscar guarantied nailed down or a number one record by mishka with you, matthew mcconaughey on bongos, which one do you take? >> how about in that oscar movie, we do the soundtrack.
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how about that? >> how about this, why don't you sign the bongos, and we're going to auction them on and all the proceeds will go to your just keep living foundation. >> all this money will help them pay the teachers that run these after school classes. we've got equipment, water, things like that. yeah, it costs us about $30,000 a semester and it's working out. parents are coming forward, grades are going up. >> even though you don't want to set yourself to any kind of epitaph, what would you like on the matthew mcconaughey tomb stone? >> geez. >> a one liner. >> what's that guy that comes to you and talks about the wills and makes you think about if i'm gone, who do i want to give it to? >> how do you want to be remembered? here lies matthew mcconaughey, he?